
Profiles allow you to have a comprehensive overview of the information associated with each individual or entity that you have verified via the Source platform.

What is a profile?

A profile is a centralised comprehensive summary of an individual or entity where you can see all related information. You can easily locate an overview, verification reports, a requirement library, associated parties, and ongoing monitoring.

Profile sections breakdown


The overview will show you information about the profile which will be name, date of birth, address, contact information and any exceptions associated with the individual or entity profile.


Within the verifications tab you will see any verification reports that have been run on the individual or entity. You can also see the cases in which verifications have been completed.

If multiple verifications have been run on the profile within one case, the most recent will be surfaced.

Requirement library 

Within the requirement library you will see a list of all the requirements which have been requested and uploaded for the individual or entity.

If you have requested the same requirement for multiple cases you will have a comprehensive overview of each separately provided requirements in one place.

Associated parties

This tab will show you all related cases, entity structures or individuals that the profile can be found within the cases in your platform.

Ongoing monitoring

If you have ongoing monitoring switched on for your platform this tab will be where you can toggle profile monitoring on or off and see new hits.

Syncing profiles/updating information

You are not able to make edits to the information in the overview for the profile within the profile. If you need to make updates to the information this can only be done by updating at a case level.

In the circumstance you have more than one case in progress for a profile and you make an update case A, you will receive a notification to sync on case B. If for business reasons you require case B to have the old details you can decline the sync or if you need to have it up to date with case A you would accept the sync.

Duplicate profiles/retrievals or another name

Profiles allows you to know if you have potentially verified the individual or entity before.

If there is a match to either an entity or an individual which already has an established profile with your platform you will receive an alert within the platform which would allow you to review the potential match and if you chose to, you can retrieve the profile to replace the individual or entity within the case.

This will appear whether you have entered the individual or entity manually or if you are using the company unwrap.

Profile deletion

When an individual or entity is removed from a case, First AML will check if the associated profile is used on any other cases. If the profile is not used in any other cases, it will be deleted to prevent cluttering the profile pages and to ensure smoother retrievals.

This process also applies when deleting a case: The system will check all individuals and entities linked to the case to see if their profiles can be deleted at the profile level as well.

Access to profiles

If you have offices set up within your platform you are able to provided 'Limited access' or 'No access' to profiles within each office for users who are not assigned to the specific office. 

For users assigned to an office, they will have full access to the profiles associated to cases within the office. 

Limited access - Users with no access to an office with a specific profile will be able to see name, email and phone number of the profile. 

No access - Users with no access to an office with a specific profile will have no access to see any of the information associated with a profile. 

User roles with no access to profiles in any aspect:

  • Agent
  • Author
  • Frontline

All other users access will be based on office and office access settings

Limited access is ideal for reducing double handling, while no access is best for completely restricting information. For instance, you might use no access to protect HR-related Profiles.

Sharing profiles across offices

While you have your office separation created for purposes there may also be times where a profile may need to be verified or retrieved into another office. To complete the retrieval between offices you will require access to both offices or you will be required to have somebody who has the office privileges, such as Compliance Admin, to complete this action