
Introducing the First AML Homepage. This is a highly personalised and actionable homepage experience that will behave much like a dynamic to-do list.

How to navigate the homepage

Please see below how to review the Homepage

Step-by-step instructions:

The homepage is ordered by most urgent or pressing cases. The user is then able to review the list and take the necessary actions.

Once the user has completed the task chosen, when returning to the homepage, the view will be dynamically refreshed and the next most urgent case will be at the top of the list.

It will present cases grouped by related actions and next steps, based on the information the user can see.

From the top:

Ready for Review & Approved -
These are cases that will only be visible if you have the approval role within the First AML platform.

Send for review -

These are cases that are assigned to the user and are ready to be submitted for review. This means that all the individuals and entities have been marked as past or not needed.

Verification failures and issues - 

These are cases where the individuals have failed verification or have had issues. These should be considered by the team for next steps.

Received -

These are cases where documents have been received and overnight, which require attention and review.

Unassigned cases -

All cases that are yet to be assigned to a user to begin working on.

Please note the office will limit this, if a user is only based in 1 office, they will only see the unassigned cases for that office.

My assigned cases -

These are cases assigned to this user that are currently in progress