What to do if you and your partner have been sent two different Armalytix requests to the same email address or if you are a First AML customer and want to send the Armalytix request to the same email address?

It's definitely better if your requests are sent to separate email addresses, but it is possible to complete two different reports that are sent to the same email.


How you go about this depends on whether you have more than one device/email address to complete the reports on.


Each of us has our own device and email address

If you have separate devices and email addresses, then the easiest thing will be for the person who received both Armalytix requests to forward the one that is intended for their partner to their partner's email address.


Once you've received the forwarded email, click the link and you'll be brought to the account creation screen - simply amend the name and email address and enter a password, and you'll be done!


We share a device/email address

In this case, you'll just need to do the reports one at a time.  Click on one of the requests that you've been sent and follow the instructions from the perspective of the first person.


Once you've shared your report, if you are going to be using the same device, make sure to log out by clicking the logout icon:


Once you've shared the first report (and logged out if you'll be using the same device), you can go back to the second email that you were sent and click that.  When you click it you will be taken to the login screen where you can log in with the password you previously set.  Then you can go through and complete the second report from the perspective of the second person.