What is it?

You can customize the look and feel of your brand, giving it the appearance you would like your clients to see. You can alter the visual elements like the logo, colours, and email domain to match your brand identity.

Logo customisation

Your logo is a central part of the First AML communication engine. To customise it within the platform:

  1. Navigate to the Settings > Branding section within the left-hand control panel.
  2. Under the ‘Your logo’ section, select 'Upload Logo', and choose your company's logo from your files. This logo will appear in all emails and forms sent to your clients.
    1. The default logo will be the First AML logo.
  3. Click ‘Save’ to save your changes. You can also delete or edit your logo at any time.

Logo guidelines:

  • We suggest you use a logo with a clear background for the best visibility. To remove the background of an image, you can use this free tool.
  • Only JPEG and PNG file types are supported.
  • The maximum file size is limited to 200KB

Colour customisation

Adding your brand's colours helps to create a familiar and cohesive visual experience. Here's how to customise them:

  1. Navigate to the Settings > Branding section within the left-hand control panel.
  2. Under the ‘Your colours’ section, click the coloured circles to select your brand's primary and secondary colours. You can input the RGB code to select your colour or use the colour picker. These should match your company's existing colour scheme.

Here is what each colour is used for:

  • Primary: Major buttons such as ‘Next’, ‘Submit’, and ‘Upload’ in the forms.

  • Secondary:  Minor buttons such as ‘Complete form’ are only visible within each requirement in the forms

  • Link: The colour for any links within the email

    3. You can review how the colours appear within the preview screen to the right of the page. 

    4. Click ‘Save’ to save your changes.

Colour accessibility guidelines:

When choosing your primary, secondary, and link colours, it's crucial to consider colour accessibility. This means ensuring your selected colours are easily distinguishable and readable by all users.

There are certain medical conditions and many external conditions that make it difficult for people to perceive colour. For example, in over-lit areas (exposed to sunlight) or under-lit areas it is difficult to see content when the background and foreground contrast is not sufficient, or individuals with visual impairments such as colour blindness, elderly individuals who do not see colour well etc.

Here are a few guidelines to follow:

  • Contrast: Make sure there is sufficient contrast between your primary, secondary and link colour and the background colour - white/light grey. This makes your text stand out and easier to read. You can use online tools to check the contrast ratio of your chosen colours.

  • Hard to Read Text: Avoid colours or graphics that make overlay text hard to read e.g. using white as a button colour, using yellow as a link colour on top of an orange button.

  • Colour Blindness: Avoid colour combinations that are commonly problematic for individuals with colour blindness. For instance, red-green and blue-yellow are difficult pairs for some individuals to distinguish.