
Within the Manifest tab of a case, once individuals and/or entities have been added, you can update their status based on your review of their information, the documents received, and their verification report.

There are five different statuses that you can assign to individuals/entities. They are: Required, Pass, Fail, Not Needed and Consider.

Individual and entity status


This status is automatically assigned to an individual or entity that is created within a case.

The ‘Required’ status indicates that the individual or entity is still in progress and you are in the process of receiving documentation from the client and/or running the verification on their details.

Once all information has been receive and reviewed for the individua/entity, you would change the status from Required to one of the other statuses.


The ‘Pass’ status indicates that the individual or entity has provided the information you require and/or passed electronic verification.

Generally, you have completed the checks on the individual or entity. For example, all documents you require have been received and/or the verifications have been run on the individual.


The ‘Fail’ status indicates that the individual or entity has failed electronic verification and/or the information provided is not sufficient based on your analysis.

Generally, this means that based on the information received, the individual or entity has failed your criteria for passing customer due diligence.

Not Needed

The ‘Not Needed’ status indicates that the individual or entity does not need to be verified as a part of your customer due diligence process.

For example: the individual or entity has a low shareholding % and therefore does not need to be verified.


The ‘Consider’ status indicates that the individual or entity has provided information and/or electronic verification has been run, however, you are not totally sure that they are a complete Pass and therefore their information needs further consideration by another team member.

For example: the individual or entity has returned an Adverse Media match that you are unable to definitively rule out.