Mobile number country not supported

If this error message comes up, please note that the individual's mobile number is not supported and an SMS cannot be sent to them.

The countries that are currently supported for SMS are phone numbers from the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia.

Additionally, please note that you can only send 1 SMS per phone number per day. For all EU/UK customers, you can send a maximum of 2 messages to each individual as long as the messages are 24 hours apart.

You may also want to ensure that the formatting of the phone number (country code + number) is correct before sending an SMS.

Notification received - Email has bounced

There may be instances where you receive a notification in the Source platform advising that an ‘email sent to [Individual Name] failed to send’.

This may occur due to various reasons:

  • Email Address input is incorrect
  • The client has an automated out-of-office/vacation responder set that is causing the email to bounce
  • A firewall issue on the client’s end that is blocking the email from being received
  • Client located in a country where there is restricted data access (e.g. China)

To remember this error message when it occurs, you can look into the following steps:

  • Double-check the email address that was entered to ensure it is correct → correct the email address and resend the form
  • Confirm with the client that the email address provided is correct
  • Try an alternative email address for the client